For the Love of Oil

Let me start out by saying that I am far from the hippie/medicine woman type. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I just feel that is important to say before I get into tell you about my new found obsession…essential oils! 
A few weeks ago my mom’s best friend came to the beach to stay with us for a week (us, because I am still living with the rents until the wedding) and she is a consultant for a company named Doterra. One night my mom invited a few friends over and Mrs. Jenny (my mom’s friend) taught us about essential oils and their benefits and it literally BLEW. MY. MIND. 
I obviously don’t know everything about them but after her class I had to try them! So I ordered the family medicine kit and here is what I have used them for so far:
 1) Peppermint can be put on the back of your neck to help get rid of a headache. So nice.
2) On Gaurd (an oil blend) can be used as a first line of defense against a cold by ingesting it or diffusing it in the air. I felt a sore throat coming the other day, put a drop under my tongue and I feel fine now! Thank goodness because with wedding planning I have no time to be sick!
3) Lavender oil can help prevent and disappear stretch marks (I have them on my legs and hate them). It also helps you relax = major win.
4) Drinking lemon water has a million benefits (exaggeration, but you get my point) and by using the lemon essential oil you are getting lemon in its purest form (no pesticides, ect). It is also a mood lifter and who doesn’t love someone in a good mood. I have been diffusing it a lot around my fiancee since he is in the home stretch of studying for the bar hehe. 

They also have no side effects like some medications do. Plus, the fact that you can ingest them without a capsule is a HUGE benefit…have you ever heard of a capsule grave yard? Its where your pill capsules don’t dissolve and just end up in your stomach! Scary as H-E double hockey sticks. I am sure that is just extreme cases but even one undissolved capsule in my life freaks me out.
I used to be quick to use medicine but I appreciate being able to try an alternative now. I know there are lots of arguments against the effectiveness of oils but I’m gonna do me and me is with essential oils lol!
I feel that it’s important for me to say that this is not an advertisement nor do I sell Doterra (although I would consider it)…it is just something that is benefiting my life that I wanted to share. I can refer you to Mrs. Jenny if you’d like to give it a try too 🙂

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