Travel Recap: Glamping In Moab


Last week we began our anniversary trip out west and I just had to start by showing you this sunrise! Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?!

Before I met my husband you better believe I was your basic, take me to a beach for vay-cay, kind of girl. I still love a good beach but Ryan has made me so much more adventurous (I mean, we had to raft to our honeymoon location).

So this year when we were deciding where to visit, the desert and its many attractions was the winner. Plus, I have always wanted to go glamping!



Our tent at Moab Under Canvas was amazing. It had a king size bed, its own bathroom complete with a shower and toilet, and of course its own porch. My one request when we travel is somewhere cool to sit and enjoy my coffee. This place had it for sure. And guess what? Their lobby (that was also a tent) had round the clock fresh coffee and s’mores. Praise hands emoji.

glamping-1-of-18glamping-coffeeThis pullover became my go-to for the chillier nights and mornings. I got it in a size large so it would be extra comfy. Honestly, I have had it on my wish list for over a year now but never made the purchase because it is a little pricey for a pullover…I finally got it though and it is so worth it. I have hardly taken it off since.

While in glamping in Moab, we did a ton of adventurous things!


Upon arrival, we went horse back riding at the Red Cliff’s Lodge. This was our calmest adventure, as the horses only trotted through the trail, but it was GORGEOUS!


We also did some wine tasting and had dinner at Red Cliffs! Outlaw RedĀ Malbec was my fav.


Sitting outside to dine on localĀ elk and trout next to the Colorado River was amazing. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.


We also rented a side-by-side one day. I want to throw up just thinking about it, lol. It was super fun but also ridiculously scary. This machine can go up and down angles that are practically 90 degrees.


It did take us to see some pretty amazing sights though.


You may be wondering, didn’t you have a guide? Nope. Drove through a place called Hell’s Revenge on our own. Livin’ life on the edge. Literally. We’re nuts.


We also hiked to see Delicate Arch. It was 3 miles round trip, uphill. I tried to blame my constant breathlessness on the altitude but I think I just need to hit the gym more.


It was absolutely worth the hike though. Isn’t nature amazing?!


I think my favorite part of the trip though was coming back from heart racing adventures to chill on the porch. Nothin’ like a great view, a beer, and a s’more (or 7) with the one you love.


And of course, in true blogger fashion, the outfit pics of me and…


…our 12-pack. Lolz.


(Cleverly covering the 12-pack here.)


This dress was perfect for the hot days while exploring the town of Moab. It had just enough flowy-ness and flower power to make me feel a tad like I was in a Laura Ingals Wilder book, which was of course my goal.

Shop my glamping looks here:



14 thoughts on “Travel Recap: Glamping In Moab

  1. Tiffani

    Oh my gosh! Such a cool place to visit! I was totally the same way before I met my man, and now, I wouldn’t dream of going to the beach knowing there are so many other incredible places to have adventures!


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