Heart to Heart Vol 3: Speak Life

Heart to Heart Vol 3

I have no schedule for these heart to heart posts. I just wait until something hits my heart to share. Well, after going to the doctors office recently for my yearly check up, I felt a topic tug on my heart strings. That topic is speaking life to others.

While I was there, I talked to my doctor because she and I had gotten married around the same time. She, of course, went to medical school though and is tad older than me. She shared how she was worried that her age would make her miss out on things younger married couples get to experience. I told her I was pretty sure she was the youngest doctor ever and she shouldn’t stress.

When I got in my car, I teared up a bit. To think that she had accomplished so much but was scared that her age might affect her future. I wished at that very moment I had told her how awesome I thought she was and that she was an inspiration to me (and I am sure her other co-workers as well). Another thing that I wished I’d said was that I knew for a fact that there was awesomeness in her future.

Have you ever left a situation where you wished you had spoken positivity over someone?

My friend recently do this for me. We went to an event and I left feeling like I spoke too loudly and may have overpowered some conversations. I hadn’t even confessed this to my friend before she sent me a text telling me how great she thought I was at meeting new people. Holy wow. My insecurities from that night were in my head. All it took was some positivity from a sweet friend for me to see.

All of this to say…

You really never know what someone is battling. They may hide it well and never show it or they could wear it right on their sleeve. It could be big, it could be small. No matter what it is, when you take a moment to speak life to someone, I guarantee you’ll never regret it.

heart to heart vol 3 verse



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