Bell Sleeve Chambray Top and My Secret Work Spot

bell sleeve chambray top

This work week was a little tough considering I got to galavant around New York all last week but I am pushing through to the 3 day weekend!

One thing I like to do to amp up my productivity is change up my scenery. As a creative, it is so important to be constantly inspired, but it is not always easy. Sometimes I hit up coffee shops but I am easily distracted by interested convos around me so that isn’t always the best for me. I recently stumbled upon the workspace though…AND it’s FREE!

bell sleeve chambray top

It is a large seating area in my local Nordstrom! It has wifi and a ton of outlets!

I stumbled upon it with my intern recently when we were trying to work from the Nordstrom Cafe. The wifi in there was a bit spotty and our waitress suggested we check this spot out. We have been hitting it up once a week ever since.

bell sleeve chambray top

We of course see employees pass by occasionally but we have never greeted (or asked to leave) by anyone in there. Of course we are both card carrying members of Nordstrom (lol) so I am sure they’d let us use the space even if there was a question but who knew this free space existed?!

Not to mention, they also have great music.

bell sleeve chambray top

I miiiight just start having clients meet me there too! Hehe.

Speaking of meeting with clients, I have had a few of you message me about what I wear to such engagements.

Depending on the client, I usually try to keep it causal. This bell sleeve chambray top is perfect because it is on trend for spring, but also is conservative. When the temps go up, I know it can be so tempting to throw on shorts or a tank top but that (even though it might not be showing too much) is still not a good choice for business meetings. The goal is to look professional, not distracting.

I will however also be wearing this bell sleeve chambray top with some white shorts in the summer time to go get some fro-yo ;).

PS I am wearing a size large…I sized up because there is nothing worse than a short baby doll top lol.

Shop my bell sleeve chambray top here:


15 thoughts on “Bell Sleeve Chambray Top and My Secret Work Spot

  1. Jordyn

    I haven’t seen a bell sleeve chambray top until now and I am totally obsessed. It seems like you found such a great work spot-sometimes I need to get out of the house to work or else I go stir crazy!

  2. Kait

    I am all about that top! I recently bough two shirts with similar sleeves and I get so many compliments. They are so flowy and relaxing, but dressy! You look fabulous. Also, rock on for finding that spot!!! xx

  3. Kuleigh

    That office setup is seriously so cute! I can’t believe where you stumbled upon a work space. I love this top! Good tip on sizing up. I prefer my shirts on the long side.

  4. Alex

    That top is so cute! What a great work spot, I’ll have to checkout my local store to see if they have something like this.

  5. Gabby

    Wait, this is such a cute shirt and fits you perfectly! I think it’s just the right amount of stylish and summery, but also super professional!! It’s so cool that space is in Nordstrom, who knew?!
    xo, G

  6. Teresa

    That top is the cutest! Wow, I can’t believe that’s inside Nordstorm. How smart! I love finding new places to work. It’s always so inspiring!


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