My Year of Self Care

In 2017, I was working non-stop. It was exciting because my business was growing but I could feel my stress levels rising and I knew I couldn’t allow it to continue.

In 2018, I decided to make self-care a priority. I started occasionally seeing a therapist (love her), went on a family vacation, hired someone to help me with my workload, and even started getting facials every six to eight weeks!

All of the above has lead to a much better state of mind but I also want to make sure I am taking care of myself for the future. Luckily, I have a client who is been helping me do just that.

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Dr. Lex at Vitality Functional Medicine is a chiropractor and functional medicine doctor that has helped countless patients over her 30 years in business.

I recently had a Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) test done as well as a few blood tests so we could get an overall look at how my body functions.

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For the BIA, they placed two electrodes on my hand and foot and they send a low-level electrical current through my body. This test shows Dr. Lex how quickly my cells regenerate, what my body fat percentage is, and much more!

The blood tests she had me do showed that my body was low on Zinc, Vitamin B, and Vitamin D! The Vitamin D was especially a surprise to me because I feel pretty darn tan 💁🏽‍♀️ but having optimal levels of Vitamin D have HUGE benefits like reducing your risk of cancers!

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I am especially looking forward to my next blood test to see how my levels have changed since taking these suppliments!

Other self care tips I’ve learned from Dr. Lex

She was also able to give me some insight into what workouts and foods are best for me based off of my blood type! Blood type B’s do best with activites that take their full attenton like Pilates and tennis! I am all about Pilates so that makes total sense!

Although, sadly if I want to loose weight, I should avoid chicken. I’m not loving that knowledge quite as much but it is still so interesting to me! My husband is a blood type O though and he is supposed to eat allllll the meat #carnivore. Dr. Lex explains it as working with your body chemistry which I find so interesting!

I am so excited to continue learning more!

What are you doing for self care this year?


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